Enhance your health with nourishing Vegetables
Scientifically researched, growing and serving the community since 2018.
Launched in 2018, Vegeponics serves 100% Natural & Fresh local grown produce right to your dining table.
Our dedicated team of researchers, urban farmers , agronomist and developers are committed to produce the highest quality vegetables and genetics in a safe and welcoming environment, along with extensive customer care, marketing services and community engagement.
All Vegeponics produce are grown and packed at its own state of the art packaging facility at 111 Neythal Road, Singapore, and is made available for a variety of supermarket, restaurant chains & households.
Vegeponics takes pride by implementing Singapore engineered, patent-pending close-looped farming system, Advanced Controlled Environment Agriculture Technology (ACEA). Our vegetable crops are carefully grown using Approved Planting Mix by Singapore’s NParks board with enhanced microbial technology to obtain optimum growth yields and improves nutritional values proven with output quality, wholesome taste and freshness.
Our produce is 100% pesticide free and promises safe and healthy consumption. Our produce is grown indoors. We are impervious to the tropical climate. We harvest and deliver our produce daily.